How to Install Atom Text Editor On CentOS 7
#21425 - Update Debian dependencies, fixes installing Atom on Ubuntu Groovy #21446 - Clarify the context under which log-file is used atom/github#2425 - Hide git and GitHub tab avatar alt text.
Atom is a free, cross-platform, and open-source graphical software that has been designed from the ground up to act as a hackable text editor and programmer's editor application that helps any. Thanks for the report @ghzut - I checked with the other maintainers and we're not specifically supporting Atom installed through WSL at the moment. If you have Atom installed on Windows, there's an issue open about starting that Windows-install Atom via WSL here #18126, but otherwise, we're not prioritizing investigating issues related to Atom installed in WSL. Linux has some popular text editor and the one on the list is atom. Atom is an advanced open source text and source code editor built on Electron and developed by GitHub. Atom is a multi-platform editing tool that works on OS X, Windows, or Linux.
Atom Is a Free open source Cross platform Text Editor Developed by GitHub. If you need advanced Text Editor For CentOS 7 Desktop then Atom Editor is the best solution. And the Good News is we can easily install atom on CentOS 7 Linux.
Atom provides .rpm package which we can use for CentOS 7. We will install the .rpm file using yum install command.
Just Do The Following two steps.
Download Atom RPM File.
First Go to the Atom Website and Download the installation Package to Your Computer. Two Packages available to Download .deb and .rpm. For CentOS 7 You Must Download the .rpm Version of Atom Text Editor.
Install Atom Using Yum Command
Once the Download is finished, we can install the rpm file using yum command. Open Linux Terminal and Type.
yum install atom.x86_64.rpm
Name of the .rpm file should be replaced with the name of the file you just downloaded. It can be different at the time you download. In My case file name is atom.x86_64.rpm.
During the Installation Following Dependencies also automatically will be installed on CentOS 7. You Don't have to worry about that.
- m4
- patch
- redhat-lsb-core
- redhat-lsb-submod-security
- spax
Open Atom Editor
To Open Atom Editor in CentOS 7, Go to Applications > Accessories Click Atom.
Cod mod warfare. If You Do Not see the icon on the menu, Then Restart Your computer and See.
Change Theme in CentOS Atom
In Atom Editor there are There are two types of themes, UI Theme (User interface) and Syntax Theme (Codes). Netscape customer service phone number.
To Change the theme, Go to Edit > Preferences > Themes, The select the theme from the list.
Install New Themes
There are lots of atom themes available for free. To install a Theme on CentOS, Go to , Edit > Preferences > Install and select themes next to the search box.
Atom Linux Install
Install New Packages
To install new packages on CentOS Atom, Go to , Edit > Preferences > Install and select Packages next to the search box.
Packages use to Enhance the Atom editor and to add additional features. For example, there is package called terminal-plus, which allows to open CentOS terminal within the Atom text editor.
Atom Ide For Linux
Atom Editor is probably the most advanced programming text editor available for CentOS 7. You can use the Atom editor to code any programming language, including PHP, JAVA, Python, Perl and Linux Bash Scripting.